Opportunities in the GP3 Lab

Undergraduate Students

University of Arizona: Dr. Jay Quade and I are looking for an undergraduate student interested in geochemistry and archaeology to work with us on a geoarchaeology project using material from two Neolithic sites in modern-day Turkey. If this sounds interesting to you, please get in touch!

Lehigh University: If you are a Lehigh University undergraduate interested in joining the lab to for research experience in the Fall of 2024, keep us in mind for next year!

Graduate Students

Lehigh University: I currently have funding for a graduate student (M.S. or Ph.D. track) to start in August 2025. The research I have in mind for the student would be part of our ‘Pacific Ocean circulation in the Pliocene’ project (see the “Research Projects” page for more details on this work). Additionally, I would also be open to other project ideas based on the interests of the incoming graduate student. If this sounds interesting to you, and fits your timeline, please reach out!

Postdoctoral Researchers

Lehigh University: I do not currently have funding for a postdoctoral researcher. However, I would be interested in exploring different opportunities if you have a project and potential funding source in mind.